Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Training Camps
HJKDCGFA Organization Headquarters Training Camps

Training Camps are held four times each year at the Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Academy in Oneonta, Alabama, and taught personally by Sifu Lamar M. Davis II.
Winter Camp Late January (Three Day Camp)
Spring Camp Late April (Three Day Camp)
Summer Camp Late July (Three Day Camp)
Fall Camp Late October (Three Day Camp)
Fee for Attendance:
Three Day Camp - $250.00
Six Day Camp - $500.00
NOTE: The fee includes training and related materials only. You will need to arrange to stay at the recommended local hotel. See the Local Lodging section of the site menu for more information. If you fly in, you will fly into the Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport in Birmingham, Alabama. Transportation to and from the airport will be provided, so there will be no need to rent a car unless you just want to. All Training Camp participants receive a certificate for completion of the training. If interested in attending one of our seasonal training camps, please check the Coming Events section for listings, or contact Sifu Davis directly for further information.
Arranging To Sponsor A HJKD Training Camp
Sifu Lamar M. Davis II will travel to almost anywhere in the world to teach a Training Camp on the art and science of Hardcore Jeet Kune Do. This is a great way to get some in-depth personal hands on training! If you are interested in hosting/sponsoring a Training Camp, it is quite easy to do. The important thing is to make sure that you can get enough attendance to cover the cost of the camp and expenses. That is, unless it is no problem for you to pay for everything without the support of others.
Before getting started, it is important to understand the expense involved when sponsoring a Training Camp. Sifu Davis has a very reasonable fee for Training Camps compared to what others charge. For a three day Training Camp, which involves around six hours of actual training time per day, the fee is $2,000.00. For a six day Training Camp, which involves around six hours of actual training time per day, the fee is $4,000.00. The fee is to be paid IN CASH ONLY in U.S. dollars! Besides the actual fee, all expenses are to be paid. Expenses include airfare, nice hotel room (King Bed/Non-Smoking Room/Free Internet Access) and three meals per day. Hotel room is an absolute requirement! Sifu Davis does not "camp out" or stay at someone's home. You are expected to provide transportation to and from airport and events. Photos and video shoots are permitted, but Sifu Davis holds the rights to all photos and footage, and a copy of all photos and footage shot must be provided to him in DVD format at the earliest possible moment. If this sounds agreeable to you, then you move to the first step of getting everything set up for your event. Once planning gets under way and dates have been locked down, you will be expected to follow through with all details provided!
You can charge whatever you like for someone to attend the camp that you are sponsoring, but $250.00 is the recommended charge for a three day camp and $500.00 is the recommended charge for a six day camp. All Sifu Davis requires is his pre set fee and expenses. Any profit made is yours to keep!
The first step is to contact Sifu Davis and inquire about available dates. Have several dates in mind before you call, just in case one or more of the dates selected are already taken. Please keep in mind that Sifu Davis is pre committed on the first and third Saturday of each month. Although a Training Camp can take place anytime, events involving weekends seem to be the best attended. It is also best to line up the camp at least three months before the actual dates of the camp (unless you are not worried about depending on participation to meet expenses).
Please have some potential topics for the Training Camp in mind when you contact Sifu Davis. Some examples of potential topics could be:
Foundation Structure
Sil Lim Tao Form & Application
Footwork & Mobility
Upper Body Techniques
Lower Body Techniques
JKD Boxing Drills
Defensive Strategies & Tactics
Intercepting Fist/Stop Kicking
Basic Trapping Hands
Advanced Trapping Hands
Basic Energy Sensitivity Training
Advanced Energy/Sensitivity Training
Advanced Chi Sao
Entering Skills
The Straight Blast
Grappling/Counter Grappling (NOT Sport Material!)
Bruce Lee s Five Ways of Attack
Mook Jong Training (Must Provide Mook Jongs)
Strategies for Street Defense
Once the dates and Training Camp topics have been determined and locked down, the next step is promotion for the event. Be sure that you have pre determined a location for the Training Camp to be held. If you do not have your own school and really have no idea where to look, check with the hotel for available space for such events, or a local church, gym or fitness facility. If inquiring at a church, be sure to let them know that this art contains no teaching of eastern religion or mysticism, and that the camp is pure self defense oriented. This could be an important factor in them determining whether or not they would allow the camp to be held there. Sifu Davis is a Christian, and has a firm faith and belief in God! If they need to contact Sifu Davis with any questions, that is fine. Please feel free to have them email him at Sifu@HardcoreJKD.com . Be sure that the space available for the event is adequate, and be aware that some Training Camp topics will require more space for moving around. Ask Sifu Davis if in doubt as to the amount of space needed for a particular topic. You will also need to factor in the renting of space if necessary.
For promotional assistance, Sifu Davis will promote the event on his websites, the Official Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum, and his Facebook pages, as well as the sending of several mass emails to everyone on his email list. Sifu Davis will also design an appropriate flyer for the event at no additional expense if you want him to. It will be up to you to promote the event in your area. If you are an Apprentice Instructor or Instructor Trainee in the Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Chinese Gung Fu Association, this is a great way to recruit future students/study group participants, and the best way to continue your personal instruction in Hardcore Jeet Kune Do!
There are Open Training Camps and Closed Training Camps. Open Training Camps are open and available to anyone who wishes to attend. Closed Training Camps are closed to a specific group, and not promoted or open to the public. If you are an established Instructor with enough students to support the event, you may opt for a Closed Training Camp. You will need to decide this and let Sifu Davis know ASAP, as he will act accordingly with promotion for the event!
Any merchandise that the host or participants wish to purchase will need to be pre ordered. This includes Instructional DVDs or any other merchandise. Please be aware that due to luggage restrictions, Sifu Davis may or may not be able to accommodate your order!
The next step is to arrange airline reservations. Sifu Davis does not require First Class, but does REQUIRE aisle seats on all flights, so be sure that is part of your arrangements with the airline chosen. Southwest is Sifu Davis’ preferred airline, but not absolutely necessary. The airport that Sifu Davis will fly out of is Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport in Birmingham, Alabama. A morning departure time sometime after 8:00 is best. Sifu Davis does not like to be rushed with anything, and prefers to fly in the day before the event, then fly out the day after the last day of the event, sometime in the early to mid afternoon. Please keep these things in mind when setting up the flight reservation!
A Checklist for you to go by:
Three Day Training Camp Fee - $2,000.00
Six Day Training Camp - $4,000.00
Fee To Be Paid IN CASH in U.S. Dollars only
Dates & Times Set & Locked Down
Training Camp Topics Selected
Location Selected
Open or Closed Training Camp
Training Camp Properly Promoted
Merchandise Pre-Ordered
Hotel Room Reserved (King Bed/Non-Smoking/Internet Access)
Airline Reservations Made (Aisle seats ONLY/Southwest preferred)
Morning Departure at or after 8:00 A.M.
Return Flight Day After Event / Leaving early to mid-afternoon